Clase de Voleibol (Vol.1)
0. Objetivos de tu clase de voleibol
Esta es una clase de voleibol de iniciación, por lo que los objetivos no son muy específicos. Aunque sea una sesión de iniciación no se recomienda que sea la primera clase de la unidad.
- Introduce the concept of Volleyball.
- Understand the three types of touches.
- Apply them to the game.
- Make it attractive and fun.
En resumen, es un primer contacto con todos los aspectos que involucra el Voleibol. Se trata de que entiendan el deporte, lo que pueden llegar a hacer cooperando y compitiendo, y que se diviertan.
1. Warm up
- Duration: 10 minutes
- Cardio + Mobility
Gather students in a circle.
Count up to 5 aloud, one by one. When everyone has counted to 5, change the exercise (if the class is very large, count to 1 or 2). Exercises:
- Jumping Jacks.
- Split Jacks.
- Predator Jacks.
- Forward Lunge.
- Backward Lunge.
- Lying Down – Knees Inward.
- Lying Down – Knees Outward.
- Hip Rotation – 90/90 Seated.
- Game: Touch the back of classmates' knees without letting them touch yours.
2. Session
2.1. Circuit + Game Situation
La sesión principal de esta clase de voleibol se compone de 4 estaciones. Cada una con un ejercicio diferente. A cada estación se le asignan entre 6′ – 8′ dependiendo el tiempo del que dispongas.
- Duration: 24 - 32 minutes
- Duration per station: 6 - 8 minutes
- Divide the class into 4 groups.
Station 1 - Volley Tennis
Define a small field with a net at waist height in the middle. Only forearm touches are allowed. The rules are those of a tennis match. The ball can bounce only once and there can only be one touch before passing it to the other field. Matches are to 3 points.
- 2 vs 2
- 1 vs 1
Station 2 - Technique
Divided into 3 levels. In all, the objective will be to start lying down/sitting, stand up, and sit down again, all while touching the ball using different technical gestures.
- Level 1 - Finger touch
- Level 2 - Forearm touch
- Level 3 - Alternating fingers + forearms
Station 3 - Receptions
Place a row of 4 cones in a straight line from the volleyball net. In pairs. One throws, the other receives. The receiver has to move to the cone and then receive. When receiving the first, they move to the next, and so on until the fourth. With forearm receptions, try to return it to the thrower.
- Level 1 - Just move.
- Level 2 - Touch the cone.
Station 4 - Volley Frontenis
Define a small field, choose a wall and mark a line at waist height on it. Only finger touches are allowed. The rules are those of a frontenis match. The ball can bounce only once and there can only be one touch before hitting the wall. Matches are to 5 points.
- 1 vs 1
2.2. Played Situation
Choose the longest net possible. Create small 2 vs 2 fields along the net. Play matches of 2 minutes. When the match ends, rotate and change opponents.
- Duration: 10 minutes
- Divide the class into pairs.
- Extra motivation - The loser does 5 explosive squats.
3. Aclaraciones
Puedes adaptar la clase de voleibol a tu gusto, el circuito es una forma muy efectiva de trabajar técnica, aspectos tácticos y situaciones jugadas en una misma clase de voleibol, haciéndolo muy dinámico. Trabajado varios días en circuitos conseguirás que tu clase adquiera un nivel adecuado para pasar a actividades más complejas ¡Tus alumnos lo agradecerán y te contagiarán su motivación!
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