Clase de Resistencia (Vol.1)
0. Resumen - Clase de Resistencia (Condición Física)
Esta clase de resistencia puede usarse en cualquier etapa de Secundaria hasta primero de Bachiller.
- 12 years
- 13 years
- 14 years
- 15 years
- 16 years
It is essential to make students aware of the close relationship between physical endurance and health, especially regarding the respiratory and cardiac systems.Additionally, their work is interesting because the general endurance of students tends to be low, and it is a good way to instil values such as effort and perseverance.
The evaluation is very important so that students can individually know their physical condition . In Spain, getting students used to these tests can be interesting for their future, as they will be asked for many jobs, like the police.
- Class Duration + Test: 60'
- Test Duration (Max): 12'
1. Objectives
- Understand the bodily adaptations and benefits of endurance for health.
- Work to improve and increase physical endurance capacity.
- Acquire skills to maintain a steady pace adapted to the distance, duration, and personal abilities, using heart rate and respiratory frequency as a reference.
1. Warm up
- Duration: 10 minutes
- Mobility + Activation
Se reúne a los alumnos en círculo:
Gather students in a circle.
Count up to 5 aloud, one by one. When everyone has counted to 5, change the exercise (if the class is very large, count to 1 or 2). Exercises:
- Jumping Jacks.
- Split Jacks.
- Predator Jacks.
- Forward Lunge.
- Backward Lunge.
- Lying Down – Knees Inward.
- Lying Down – Knees Outward.
- Hip Rotation – 90/90 Seated.
- Game: Touch the back of classmates' knees without letting them touch yours.
2. Session
As the final objective of the class is the Test, the session consists of preparatory exercises for the test. The intensity is moderate.
2.1. Relay Races in Teams
- Duration: 10 minutes
- Divide the class into groups of 4
- Lap: Approximately 100 meters
- Laps per student: 3
Establece un circuito circular (campo de futbol sala), coloca obstáculos para evitar atajos y crea carreras de relevos donde los participantes salen cada medio campo. Habra que dar 4 vueltas al campo para ganar. Repite 3 veces. Ejercicio perfecto para preparar la prueba. Intensidad alta y cambios de ritmo.
2.2. Circuit and Race
- Duration: 10 minutes
- Divide the class into groups of 4
Set up a circuit with simple stations. Alternate 2′ of running with 30" at a station. Strength exercises or games that involve increasing the pace can be introduced at the stations. Add stations according to the size of the class.
- Push-ups
- Touching classmates' knees without letting them touch yours
- Tag - They must carry the ball to the opposite field without being touched, within a delimited space. They can only pass backward with the hand
- Jumps over benches with feet together
1.Test - Course-Navette
- The test is conducted in a flat and straight space of 20 meters in length.
- Cones or marks are placed at each end of the track to mark the distance.
- An audio player is needed to play the sound signals that will mark the pace of the race.
- Participants line up at one end of the 20-meter track.
- They are explained that they must run from one end to the other, reaching the opposite side before the next beep sounds.
- If they do not reach the other side of the marked distance before the beep sounds, they will have finished the test and will be assigned the corresponding grade.
The following are the scales for evaluating the test by age:
3. Aclaraciones
Esta clase de resistencia preparada y lista para su uso es una buena forma de finalizar la unidad didáctica. Puedes adaptar la clase de resistencia introduciendo ejercicios gamificados. Si no se trabajan en forma de juegos o introduciendo algún atractivo, las sesiones de condición física pueden hacerse monótonas para alumnado y provocar un bajo interés en tus clases.
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