Football Class (Vol.1)
Summary - Role-based League
Esta clase de fútbol se recomienda para futsal and the following school years (although it works at any stage):
- 12 years
- 13 years
The class is divided into 4 or 6 teams to create a league. Each team should consist of 4-6 people. Each player will be assigned one of the following roles:
- Coach
- Physical Trainer
- Press Representative
- Players
Each team plays 1 match per class, and each role must fulfil its part before and during the matches, planning exercises for their teammates, summarizing the games, etc.
- Duration: + 4 classes
- Duration of each class: 50' - 60'
1. Objectives
Esta sesión de fútbol está pensada para una unidad didáctica de fútbol avanzada, donde ya se haya visto la técnica e introducido a la clase a situaciones jugadas.
- Establish a functional and equitable competition.
- Apply what has been learned to the game.
- Compensate for level disparities.
- Expand the experience and knowledge of more advanced students.
Permite experimentar el juego nivelado a los alumnos menos avanzados y aporta otra perspectiva del deporte a los alumnos con más nivel. Esta clase de fútbol es más efectiva en los primeros cursos de la ESO.
1. Warm up
- Duration: 5 - 10 minutes
- Cardio + Mobility
Gather students in a circle.
- Joint mobility is performed while explaining the format of this and future classes.
- From the 2nd session, during the warm-up, a press conference will be held.
1.1 Explanation of the "Role-based League" format
First, divide the class into equitable groups
- Divide the class into groups of 4-6 people.
Es recomendable planificar previamente los equipos de tu clase de fútbol por niveles. Es importante que aquellos alumnos que destaquen sobre el resto estén divididos entre los equipos. De igual forma aquellos alumnos más desentendidos del deporte deberán estar repartidos.
Once divided, roles are assigned:
- Coach - Most skilled player
- Physical Trainer - Skilled player or student who loves sports but isn't very skilled.
- Press Representative - Can be anyone, but it's recommended for the least skilled player.
- Players - The rest
Do they also play the matches? - Yes.
1.1.1. Coach
The student profile for this role is the most skilled football player. They often adopt leadership roles, sometimes sabotaging other sessions out of boredom or complaining about their teammates' performance. Therefore, it's important to explain their functions as a player-coach.
- Ensure their team wins the matches.
- Bring 1 game strategy exercise tailored to their team's characteristics each class.
- Help their players improve.
- Explain positively how their team can improve.
- It's forbidden to speak badly of teammates. If they do, it will mean 1 point less in the standings.
- No puede acaparar el juego en los partidos de la clase de fútbol. Tiene que entender que tiene que ganar a través de su equipo, no de su habilidad individual.
1.1.2. Physical Trainer
This role can be taken by another very skilled student or a student who loves football but isn't very skilled. This will allow them to enjoy football from a different perspective. Their contribution will be to observe their teammates and correct technical aspects. They should bring 1 technical exercise tailored to their team each class.
- Ensure their teammates improve technically.
- Bring 1 technical exercise tailored to their team each class.
- It's forbidden to speak badly of teammates. If they do, it will mean 1 point less in the standings.
- No puede acaparar el juego en los partidos de la clase de fútbol. Tiene que entender que tiene que ganar a través de su equipo, no de su habilidad individual.
1.1.3. Press Representative
Este rol puede recibirlo cualquier alumno. Es mejor si lo reciben los alumnos menos habilidosos, porque les permite tener un papel más importante en su equipo e integrarse más en la clase de fútbol. Su función es hacer un resumen breve de lo que ocurrió en el partido de la clase anterior y responder a las pregunta de la prensa (el profesor). El profesor debe preparar una serie de preguntas clave basadas en las observaciones de los partidos. El mejor resumen o el representante que mejor responda a las preguntas ganará un punto para su equipo. las ruedas de prensa se realizarán durante el calentamiento.
- Bring a summary of the previous match.
- Answer press questions.
- They can earn 1 point for their team.
- It's forbidden to speak badly of teammates. If they do, it will mean 1 point less in the standings.
1.1.4. Player
The rest of the team members. They must follow their teammates' directions with the best possible attitude.
- Try to improve.
- Have a learning and positive attitude.
- Give feedback to teammates.
- It's forbidden to speak badly of teammates. If they do, it will mean 1 point less in the standings.
2. Session.
After the press conference, the session begins. It consists of 3 training exercises. 1 group exercise provided by the teacher, 2 specific exercises provided by the coach and physical trainer. There are 20′ for the training part. Once finished, the corresponding day's
2.1. Training
- Total Duration: 30 minutes
The first day, the teacher brings three exercises. From there, you should start with the general exercise of the teacher and then continue with the explanations and implementation of the students' exercises.
Below are 3 examples.
General Exercise - Reaction Speed
- Total Duration: 10 minutes
The class is divided into pairs and positioned facing each other in the middle of the soccer field at a distance of 5 meters. A ball should be in the middle of each pair. The teacher will call out movements that they must do (jump, sit down, lie down, stand up, etc.), and when he says “ball”, both must run to control the ball. The one who manages to control it should return with the ball to the end of the field.
Tactical Exercise (E) - Possession 6 vs 3.
- Total Duration: 10 minutes
A square is created to play a possession game 3 vs 3. On 3 sides of the square, there will be support teammates who will always go with the team in possession of the ball. You win if you achieve 10 passes.
Ejercicio técnico (PF) - C. Obstáculos.
- Total Duration: 10 minutes
A circuit is created with simple obstacles (zigzag cones, hurdles to jump over, etc.) that surrounds the goal. Participants go one by one and at the end, they shoot and return to the starting point.
2.2. Match
- Total Duration: 10 minutes
- Duration of each half: 4 minutes
- Break Duration: 1 minute
A competition bracket and a schedule must be created to know which day each match will be played. Matches on the same day are played on mini fields and simultaneously. They must be refereed by themselves. During the match, notes should be taken for the press conference. At the end of each match, the results should be recorded and points added. The matches have an equalizing rule.
- Total Duration: 10 minutes
- Duration of each half: 4 minutes
- Break Duration: 1 minute
3. Optional
This dynamic clearly allows observing the evolution of each team and each student. Motivation can be increased with rewards for the winner, the best coach, the most original physical trainer, etc. It depends on the group and whether other objectives are to be worked on at the same time. recompensas al ganador, al mejor entrenador, al preparador físico más original, etc. Depende del grupo y de si se quieren trabajar otros objetivos al mismo tiempo.
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