#4: Test Postural

¿Como es la postura corporal de tus alumnos? ¿Lo saben ellos? Para mejorar algo, primero hay que medirlo. Haz este test en tu clase de Educación Física y mejora la salud postural de tus alumnos.

#3:Chat GPT Personalizado para alumnos

This project involves posing a complex, science-related question each week. All students in the class compete and win rewards if they answer correctly.

#2 Preguntas Científicas

This project involves posing a complex, science-related question each week. All students in the class compete and win rewards if they answer correctly.

PROYECTO #1: Hábitos en 21 días

This project involves the practical application of various studies suggesting that it takes 21 days to acquire a habit. It's perfect for doing with your students as it will hardly take any time to explain. We will provide you with a template to carry it out.